COVID-19 |
Apr 2020

Sculpted Thank You Bouquets

When COVID-19 hit NYC, the team at Mighty Oak wanted to say thanks to the frontline workers in our own way. So, in addition to donating to the NYC Mayor’s fund, we started to craft tiny sculpted thank you bouquets and send them out to heroes who were nominated by our online community.

So far, we’ve been getting lots of great responses from people around the country who want to thank the nurses, teachers, chaplains, and doctors who are fighting through the pandemic. I really hope that when the nominees receive the package, it brings a smile on their faces.

As each leaf, flower, and petal was made with love, we’re honored to share this literal “small” token of gratitude for the amazing work our frontline workers are doing during this difficult time.

Sculpted Thank You Bouquets for COVID-19 for frontline workers.
Sculpted Thank You Bouquets for COVID-19 for frontline workers.
Sculpted Thank You Bouquets for COVID-19 for frontline workers.
Sculpted Thank You Bouquets for COVID-19 for frontline workers.