RISD Alumni Association
Sixty-seven alumni founded the RISD Alumni Association on June 2, 1894. They made it their mission to strengthen ties among alumni and to support students at RISD. We are proud to follow in their footsteps today.
The RISD Alumni Association is your lifelong connection to RISD, serves as the voice of more than 30,000 alumni living worldwide and maintains a mutually beneficial relationship between alumni and the college.
All graduates from RISD are members of the Alumni Association – a potent network of creative leaders who champion RISD and one another. Alumni also enjoy a variety of benefits and access to exclusive programs.

The mission of the Alumni Association is to engage alumni, students and friends to support the advancement of RISD.
We are a diverse network of creative professionals and serve as a hub where alumni can engage with RISD through learning, volunteering and philanthropy. Check out our growing number of regional clubs, affinity groups and volunteer opportunities--and be sure to share your news and events with us!
Rex Wong BArch 03
Alumni Association Leadership Council (AALC) Executive Committee
Rex Wong BArch 03, Chair
Becky Fong Hughes 05 GD, Reunions Committee Chair
Leah Marchant 20 ID, Regional Clubs Committee Chair
Constance Small 05 AP, Affinity Groups Committee Chair
Helena Miller 22 TX, Student-Alumni Committee Chair
Ryan Cunningham 02 FAV, RISD Fund Steering Committee Representative
Jarrett Key, MFA 20 PT At-Large Member
Jon Key 13 GD, At-Large Member