Promotional graphic for CPAL conference with time and location details

Conference at CPAL (Center for the Preservation of Artist Legacies)

Starts: Mon, June 05, 2023 at 9 am
Ends: Wed, June 07, 2023 at 4 pm ET
Milton Resnick and Pat Passlof Foundation
87 Eldridge Street, New York, NY, USA

Valerie Hird 78 PT will be an artist presenter at the upcoming CPAL conference in New York City.

The conference takes place from June 5–7, 2023. This event is a brainstorming opportunity for artists to meet with foundation professionals at the Milton Resnick Pat Passlof Foundation to address strategies for preserving artists' legacies. These initiatives consider unrecognized artists of excellence who have made important cultural contributions but haven't been collected by museums. Many of the current philanthropists, foundations, (Joan Mitchell, Aspen Institute, etc.) and legal minds working in this field will be present.

Hird writes, "It’s rare for artists to be asked to give input, be part of the discussion that will result in new policy. I want RISD alumni who are in NYC or are available to go to be aware of it."

Promotional graphic by CPAL.