Celebrating New York Design Week
You can't miss RISD at NY Design Week 2024!
RISD at ICFF / Wanted
Material Opulence
RISD Furniture Design presents Material Opulence May 19-21 at Wanted at ICFF. The booth features works by
August Ostrow 25 FD
Cooper Goldman MFA 24 FD
Palm Paramee Panchaphalasom 25 FD
Ziyan Wang 24 FD
Jumana Motiwala MFA 25 FD
Anuj Malla MFA 24 FD
Jonathan Dinetz 24 FD
Kira Wilson 24 FD
Cameron Lasson 24 FD
Oscar Walsh 24 FD
Yining Ge 24 FD
Samuel Aguirre MFA 24 FD
Material Opulence
May 19-21
Jacob K. Javits Center
Booth W875
ICFF Talks
May 19
Lindsey Adelman 96 ID P 26
Blurring the Boundaries Between Design, Art, and Commercialization
The Main Stage
RISD President Crystal Williams
Perspectives and Principles: A Liberative Mindset in Design
The Oasis
Amy Devers MFA 12 FD and Jean Lin (former RISD Faculty)
Emerging Designers Showcase
The Main Stage
May 20
Lauren Goodman MFA 21 FD
Look Book Live
The Main Stage
May 21
Jonsara Ruth 92 ID
Eco Solidarity 2024: Restoring Sustainable Balance Through Design
The Oasis
Launch Pad
Sam Aguirre MFA 24 FD
Booth W51
Youtian Duan MFA 21 FD
Pablo Ejarque-González MFA 24 FD
Booth W10
Yining Ge 24 CR/FD
Yining Ge Studio
Booth W1
Yuxuan Huang MFA 24 FD
Yuxuan Huang Studio
Booth W2
Lisa Sacco MFA 23 FD
Lisa Sacco Design
Booth W33
Yichu Wang 23 ID/MFA 25 FD
Booth W67
Kewei Zhao MFA 24 FD
ZKW Studio
Look Book
Hannah Bigeleisen MFA 16 PR
H. Bigeleisen Designs LLC
Booth W957
Lauren Goodman MFA 21 FD
Booth W1258
Manan Narang MFA 18 FD and Urvi Sharma 17 FD
Booth W1159
Mariah Wren 04 FD
Wren & Cooper
Booth W1248
Vendor Booths
Deborah Berke BArch 77 HD 05 and Molly Schlyter Gorlick 16 TX
Warp & Weft
Booth #1011
Jensin Okunishi 10 TX
Jensin Okunishi Studio
Booth #1239
Louis Rigano 10 ID
Booth #753
Alexis Tingey MFA 22 FD & Virginia (Ginger) Gordon MFA 22 FD
Alexis & Ginger
Booth #837
The Crossroads
Elise M. McMahon 09 FD
Daniel J. Michalik MFA 04 ID
Chelsea Minola MID 07 & James Minola 07 ID
George N. Sawyer 04 ID
Alexis Tingey MFA 22 FD & Virginia (Ginger) Gordon MFA 22 FD
Alexis & Ginger
Jonathan Glatt MFA 04 JM
Anthology: The O & G Collection of Modern Windsor Chairs
O & G Gallery
Price Latimer 00 GD
Unlocking The Future Of Design And Wellness: A Gathering Of Visionaries
R & Company
Chelsea Minola MID 07 & James Minola 07 ID
Erica Sellers 12 ID, Jeremy Silberberg 12 FAV, Liz Collins 91 TX/MFA 99
Design Dysphoria
Studio S II
Alexandra Soiseth MFA 23 TX
Emerging Designer Residency
The Shops & Restaurants at Hudson Yards, Level 1
David Weeks 90 PT P 24
Kasthall Showroom
Other Shows & Fairs
Pete Oyler MFA 09 FD & Jonah Takagi 02 FD
May 20-23
East Village at 616 E 9th Street
Andrea Claire BArch 88
Launch of Cloudbreak Luminaires
May 18-August 20
Garde NYC, 223 E 60th St, New York, NY 10022
Rosie Li 11 FD
Color Theory
May 9-June 21
Salon Design, 27 Vestry Street
Lindsay Adelman 96 ID P 26
A Realm of Light
May 9–June 8
TIWA Gallery
86 Walker Street, New York City NY-10013
Michael Rich 91 IL
The Other Art Fair
May 16-19
ZeroSpace, 337-345 Butler St, Brooklyn, NY 11217
NADA NYC May 2-5
Lee Masterson MFA 11 CR
The Half Glass Full: New Work by Lee Masterson
Booth 4.05
Arghavan Khosravi MFA 18 PT & Talia Levitt 11 IL
Rachel Uffner Gallery
Booth 2.01
Bobby Anspach Studio Foundation & Fountain House Gallery (Bobby Anspach MFA 17 SC)
The Art of Mental Health
535 West 22nd Street, 4th Floor
Image credit:
Rhode Island School of Design Furniture Design department presents Material Opulence at WantedDesign Manhattan.
WantedDesign Manhattan, Booth W875, Jacob K. Javits Center May 19–21, 2024
Credit: Erik Gould
Left to right, front to back:
August Ostrow 25 FD, Plastic Chair
Cooper Goldman MFA 24 FD, Lounge Chair
Palm Paramee Panchaphalasom 25 FD, A Hint of Cherry
Ziyan Wang 24 FD, Indigo as Language - Bench
Jumana Motiwala MFA 25 FD, Baked Stool
Anuj Malla MFA 24 FD, 60 E Transit
Jonathan Dinetz 24 FD, I Thought You Would Like It
Kira Wilson 24 FD, Stick Stool 60
Cameron Lasson 24 FD, Taxidermy Tree
Oscar Walsh 24 FD, Crumple Chair
Yining Ge 24 FD, Step-Stool XL
Samuel Aguirre MFA 24 FD, Pulp Table Lamp
Photo taken at Lippitt House Museum, Providence.