A New Era for RISD Alumni
New leadership and programs usher in a banner year.
This year marks the 125th anniversary of the RISD Alumni Association, founded in 1894. In celebration of this important milestone, RISD is investing in new programs, resources and leadership for alumni.
On the official anniversary, June 2, President Rosanne Somerson announced that Donald Wun Hing Choi BArch 82 P 07 had been appointed president of the Alumni Association. Choi is the first president from outside of the United States, and his appointment reflects RISD’s increasingly global presence with alumni in 93 countries. He began his two-year term on July 1
and leads the Alumni Association’s more than 30,000 members and serves as an ex officio member of the Board of Trustees.
“Our 2018 Alumni Survey found that alumni have a strong appetite for deeper engagement with RISD, and the Association is up for the challenge,” says Choi. “We are rapidly expanding our network of regional clubs and affinity groups, building a mentorship program, presenting new alumni awards and creating new avenues for alumni to support RISD. The recent launch of our dynamic new Alumni Association website is but one demonstration of our commitment to engaging with alumni in new ways.”
To become more involved in the RISD Alumni Association please email alumni@risd.edu or call
401 709-8585.