All Together for Alumni
Jon Key 13 GD and Jarrett Key MFA 20 PT champion fellow RISD graduates through service on the Alumni Association Awards Committee.
Jarrett Key MFA 20 PT doesn’t hesitate when describing RISD graduates: “RISD alumni are truly some of the best artists in the world, period. Hands down.”
That’s one of the reasons that Jarrett and their twin, Jon Key 13 GD, chair the Alumni Association Awards Committee. The siblings, based in New York, view their service on the committee as an extension of what they try to do every day.
“We’re always meeting other artists and thinking about how we can uplift and champion each other and the work we all do,” Jon says.
The twins co-founded Codify Art to advance that goal. The multidisciplinary collective creates, produces, supports and showcases work by artists of color, particularly women, queer and trans artists. In addition, both teach and have exhibited their paintings and sculptures in museums and galleries in the United States and Europe. Through it all, Jon and Jarrett have nurtured their connection to the college and their fellow alumni artists.
They have been RISD leaders since their student days: Jon, as a resident assistant during his undergraduate years and then a guest speaker and lecturer, and Jarrett as a student organizer as a graduate student and then an adjunct professor.
“Jon and I have given so much to RISD and we’ve gotten so much from this rich community, too. It just feels fitting to celebrate our fellow alumni and we’re both so excited about doing it,” Jarrett says.
The Alumni Association Awards count major names among their recipients: Roz Chast 77 PT; Kara Walker MFA 94 PT/PR HD 06; Julie Mehretu MFA 97 PT/PR; and Nicholas Felton 99 GD, to name only a few. Jon, who received the Emerging Leader Award in 2020, says, “I felt honored to even be in the conversation among people who have won. For younger artists to be in the mix with icons like Kara Walker is powerful.”
Jon also points to the awards as a moment of celebration and community. “So much of the work artists do is solo or in a vacuum. Often, it’s you in a studio by yourself and there isn’t always recognition of the labor and effort that goes into your work,” he says. “The awards recognize that and celebrate not only emerging and legacy artists, but also teaching and service. It’s really amazing.”
While receiving an award is an honor, the twins also point to the value of participating as a volunteer or nominator, particularly as young alumni. Nominating someone for an award takes just a few minutes and is an opportunity to elevate names and ideas that have not previously been part of the conversation. Alumni have a voice and the ability to shape experiences for current students and other alumni.
“This is our school,” Jarrett says. “It’s our responsibility. We’re about to celebrate 150 years. If we want to see RISD through another 150 years, it’s going to take all of us.”
The RISD Alumni Association honors alumni who exemplify RISD’s core values and positively impact their communities through community service, education, professional achievement or service to the college. The 2024 awards ceremony will be held during Commencement + Reunion Weekend.
Image credit:“The Alumni Awards are really amazing because RISD alumni are exceptional. To be recognized by your peers and the institution is very powerful,” says Jon (left), pictured with Jarrett and President Crystal Williams at the unveiling of the Alumni Awards Wall at 20 Washington Place.