An array of red flags pinned to a wall

"61 mph"

Starts: Fri, July 07, 2023
Ends: Sun, July 23, 2023
Divisible Projects
1001 E. 2nd Street, Dayton, OH

Justin Sorensen MFA 13 PR recently showed a solo exhibition at Divisible Projects in Dayton, Ohio.

The title of the exhibition was 61 mph. Sorenson installed a piece titled "On Exactitude in Science" in the space. To create this piece, Sorensen dipped the nose of a paper airplane in graphite, throwing it at the wall, drilling a hole and then inserting a marking flag to indicate where each plane made contact. The installation consists of a composition of flight patterns that map out the surface of the wall.

"On Exactitude in Science" by Justin Sorensen. Image credit: Justin Sorensen.