Photo of a woman holding a video camera with a light behind her.

RISD Alumni in Film and Television

Grow your professional network, attend thought leadership events and socials and mentor students and fellow alumni.

Regardless of whether you are a seasoned veteran in the entertainment industry or newly launched in your career, members of this affinity group benefit from learning and sharing with a worldwide community of community of support and opportunity for RISD alumni and students interested in the entertainment industries.  

Group Leadership

Andreas Nicholas 18 FAV, Chair

Interested in joining our leadership team? Let us know at

Alumni in FAV, including Ilene Chalken 79 GD and Ryan Cunningham 02 FAV, speak at event.
June 17, 2020. Ilene Chaiken 79 GD and Ryan Cunningham 02 FAV speaking about their experiences in the industry and how skills they obtained while at RISD still influence their work.
Alumni in FAV, including Ilene Chalken 79 GD and Ryan Cunningham 02 FAV, speak at event.
June 17, 2020. Ilene Chaiken 79 GD and Ryan Cunningham 02 FAV speaking about their experiences in the industry and how skills they obtained while at RISD still influence their work.
Alumni in FAV, including Ilene Chalken 79 GD and Ryan Cunningham 02 FAV, speak at event.
June 17, 2020. Ilene Chaiken 79 GD and Ryan Cunningham 02 FAV speaking about their experiences in the industry and how skills they obtained while at RISD still influence their work.
Alumni in FAV, including Ilene Chalken 79 GD and Ryan Cunningham 02 FAV, speak at event.
June 17, 2020. Ilene Chaiken 79 GD and Ryan Cunningham 02 FAV speaking about their experiences in the industry and how skills they obtained while at RISD still influence their work.